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Augustus Edwin John

Artist Info
Augustus Edwin John1878 - 1961

Born in 1878, Augustus John grew up in Wales. His mother Augusta had encouraged him to draw from a young age. When she died at the tragically young age of thirty-five the four children were left in the care of their father, a solicitor who soon after retired from practice. As a child, Augustus John dreamed of a carefree existence in contrast to the reserved atmosphere of his home life. However, his artistic talent came to the attention of E.J. Head R.A. and John’s father was persuaded to send the aspiring artist to the Slade School of Art, in London. He was followed there a year later by his sister Gwen. John had a lifelong love of the gypsy lifestyle and this was reflected in his art and life by the lyrical landscapes populated by his children, and the two women in his life Ida Nettleship and Dorelia McNeill. Augustus John’s vigourous drawing and colourful, painterly style earned the artist many accolades and prizes as well as the admiration of fellow artists including William Orpen and John Singer Sargent.

Jessica O'Donnell

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